Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day 8 Sevilla - Cadiz - Jerez

This was perhaps the busiest day in my time with this program.  We met at 7 in the morning and moved non-stop until 1:30 am.  We headed to the train station to get to Cadiz, the oldest city in Europe.  It is full of watchtowers as its commerce was based in incoming ships from the new world.  The group enjoyed climbing a couple of these towers and seemed impressed with the dark camera which projected a 360 degree view of the city onto a satalite dish while a guide pointed out important sites.  We then headed up to Jerez, a city famous for three things: sherry, horses, and flamenco.  We toured a sherry bodega and took a tourist train throughout the city.  The tour itself was not much to write about but the group loved not having to walk the route and truly enjoyed people watching as we drove by.  The ride back turned into a mini mixer as there was a group of Spanish kids flirting with our group and inviting our kids to dance in the aisle.  We made it back to Sevilla with 10 minutes to get from the train station to a flamenco show that featured the singer, Ana Real, who had come to our class just a few day earlier.  We then followed this up with a Morrocan dinner at midnight.

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